Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me.  I still would like to change things but I have no idea how.  Give me the patience I so need to make it through this day.  I actually look forward to later this night.  Right now, I am tired and I have been all day long.  I need Your wisdom and I ask You for guidance.  I need guidance so that I will live holy for You.

I also ask for help when it comes to my eating habits.  Lately I feel like giving up, but that is what I won't do.  I won't give up.  I will stay.  Help me to overcome this binge overeating.  It has not been a good thing for me.  I am not in the best of health.  I woke up with arm and back pain this morning. I am doing better now, but I don't wish to be in this pain.

Waiting on dogs to do what they have to do seems like a total workout.  I know that I need to exercise and eat healthy, but I have stopped exercising like I should and I am overeating like crazy.  I ask You for help and guidance in this area.  I do feel like giving up, but as I mentioned, I want to stay.  I have healthy food but why am I triggered by unhealthy foods and sweet foods.  Maybe I have triggers in my kitchen and that is why I have no idea how to eat healthy.

I need help and I don't know what to do.  I lack self-control and I know that I need and want to change.  I am only at the beginning.  I admit that I have a problem, but I don't know what to do about it.  I am proving my nutritionist right.  Maybe I am not making progress.  That is one of the reasons why my weight goes up and down.  I'd rather my weight go down.  I know that I need help.  I tried harder than I ever tried, but this is a problem.

I am afraid to climb the stairs for fear that I would fall.  I am also concerned that I might have bone problems.  I know that my weight is the issue.  I hope to never take things for granted ever again.  I realize that is what I need to realize.  I don't wish to gain any more weight.  I don't want to just learn but I wanna do.  I feel like a person who is lazy and lack motivation, but I am not sure if it is true however.

I ask that You would show me what to do.  Forgive me for my lack of self-control and my gluttony. Forgive me for all of my sins.  I don't desire to gain any weight.  There are so many benefits to losing weight that I would like to have those benefits.  I know that I promised You that I don't want to weigh that specific number, but if I were to continue, then that is what is going to happen.  I think I am hungry but now my belly is full.  Right now, I am regretting my decisions to overeat and I need Your help.  Help me to control my hunger and my eating habits.  Right now I am just lucky.  I don't want to just be lucky.  I want to live and be able to breathe and do the things that I am able to do.  I have not tried hard enough I guess, but I have tried.

I don't wish to try.  I want to do it.  Right now, I am not feeling good about myself but I don't want to remain feeling bad about things and feeling bad about my weight gain.  Empower me to do what I need to do and to not always be down whenever I eat too much.  Today happens to be the day when I know that I can make a change.  I am hopeful.  Help me, Lord, to make that change.

In Jesus' name,


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