Monday, March 31, 2014

Live life

Dear God,

I want to have fun again. Listening to music is fun and also relaxing.  Help me to see who or what is most important in my life.  You are to be my first priority and I have not always lived that way and I ask for Your forgiveness.  I am truly sorry.  Thank you for Your answers to my prayers.  What is Your will for my life?


Letters to God

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thank you

Dear Lord,

Thank You for giving me a sense of direction in my life.  Thank You very much for answering my prayers.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, March 29, 2014

A sense of direction

Dear God,

Thank You for giving me a sense of direction in my life.  I wanted to be a mother but there are some roadblocks that I have to deal with along the way.  I have no experience in raising a child nor do I have the means to raise a child.

I ask for wisdom and guidance.  What is Your will for my life?  If it is not to become a mother or even a wife, then what is my will?  I have read about it and wondered about it for a while now.  I read about it somewhere.  Where in the Bible can I find out about Your plan, or plans, for my life?

I have been writing so much about my weight that I fail to see what You have in store for me.  I am concerned about my weight, but there are other things that I wished I had more to be concerned about.  I also wished that I had mapped out my life.  It may have not been the way it would have been, but I wonder if mapping out my life would have given me a greater purpose.

I remember when I did map out my life.  I wanted to go to school, graduate, then find a job.  But in order to find a job, I would have to have a car so that I get to work.  I feel like there are so many roadblocks to get in the way of what I wish to accomplish.   Help me in this area, Lord.  I ask for a removal of all of those roadblocks.  I am asking for this so that there would be no roadblock to what You have in store for me.


Letters to God

Friday, March 28, 2014

Give me wisdom and a sense of direction

Dear Lord,

Give me wisdom in how I live my life.  My life is filled with a lack of wisdom.  I am also in need of direction of my life.  Give me something else to pray for.  Thank You for taking care of, and healing the dog.

In Jesus' name,


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Good day

Dear Lord,

Thank You that my mind is clear.  Today was a pretty good day.  Thank You for another day.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fears need to go

Dear God,

Thank You.  I have been worrying about my diet and my exercise regimen that I forgot to take the time to be thankful or do other things that are spiritual exercises.  I feel like giving up sometimes but somehow my mind is clearer.  I have been told that I can do it.  For the first time, I realize that maybe I actually can do it.  I believe that my prayers have been answered.  Bless those who have been praying for me.  May I not forget them.  I want to be an obedient believer who does not have an issue with gluttony and a lack of self-control. I gave in to temptation and I failed myself ultimately.  I felt like a failure and that is what I am afraid of.  I am afraid of the future because of the failures of the past.  I need Your help in overcoming those failures, guilt, and fear.  I still have doubts that I will lose the weight, but keeping it off would be awesome.  Help me to focus on You and to obey You in all things.


Letters to God

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Help me with my issues if any

Dear God,

Help me find those problems that I truly have.  Help me to be thankful for those problems that have been solved.  What are the solutions to the issues that I actually have?  I feel tired but I want to say that I feel sick and tired.  I have compulsions that are bothering me.  I have light-bulb moments that have helped me identify what the problems are.  Help me to identify those things that I am thankful for.  I need to know this partially for my peace of mind.  I also need to know because I feel like a weak-willed person who is in constant need of guidance and reassurance.  I don't feel like I can be a strong-minded person who knows what she is doing.  I feel like I am lazy, unmotivated, and just plain stupid.  I ask You to help me to do what is hard, but everything is hard to me.  Everything is a struggle.  How do I overcome that?  How do I make sure that all is not a struggle that there is some understanding to do something that would make me feel accomplished? Why is it that I feel the way that I do?  Why and how?


Letters to God

Monday, March 24, 2014


Dear God,

Thank You for helping me to overcome the guilt that I have been carrying for years.  Nowadays I wish to move forward and not go back.  Thank You for all of those "light bulb" moments.


Letters to God

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Doing more for myself

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me.  I would like to do more.  I sound like a broken record because I am not sure that I can lose the weight the right way.  I have tried doing it the right way.  How can I make losing weight the right way without resorting to binge eating because I gave up on myself?  I just need help making the right choices.  I have never been one to jump into anything feet first.  I need guidance along the way.  So, I ask You for a little guidance.  I am not as bold and brave as I think.  I cannot see the forest from the trees.  I wish I could.  I want to, but I am just afraid to fail because I have done it so much before.  I would like to learn from my failures so that I can actually accomplish my goal of living a healthy lifestyle, or rather, just living.  Give me, Lord, a sense of direction in my life.  

I ask this, in Jesus' name,  


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Discerning all that is good and evil

Dear God,

Help me to keep my mind stayed on You.  I have been having a battle this morning and I have been listening to a song about Jesus being my help and also a song about being ready.  If You were to come back right now, would I be ready?  How would I be ready?  How do I get ready?  Help me with being a discerning Christian.  Give me wisdom, O Lord.  I am not wise as to how I should serve You, be a discerner of all that is good and evil, and what You have me to do in this life.  I look forward to Your return.  Lord, I just need Your help.  There is a lot I don't understand, but I would like to.


Letters to God

Friday, March 21, 2014

Short prayer

Dear God,

I ask that You would give me the know how, energy, and motivation to lose weight.  I exercised today and I felt great.  Help me to deal with frustration and being overwhelmed.  I thank You that nothing is too difficult for You.  I thank You for doing so in advance.  I cast all of my anxiety upon you.  Thank You for caring for me.

In Jesus' name,


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Behaving badly

Dear God,

Today I behaved badly.  My words were not godly and my thoughts were even less godly.  I am sorry for behaving so badly.  I was late for my appointment and that is what started it all as well as a family of people filling up the bus.  I felt horrible at the reaction of the people on the bus.  It all stems from caring what other people think of me.  I am deeply ashamed of my reaction and how I felt about them.  I found myself to be close-minded and bigoted.  My thoughts were those of rudeness and pure hatred for them for no good reason whatsoever.  I felt like a total hypocrite because I behaved like a hypocrite.  I didn't feel joyous or happy.  My prejudice made me miserable.  God, forgive me and help me overcome this prejudice that I have.  What is so wrong with me that I have rude thoughts about people who didn't judge me, or anything like that?  They were just like every other passenger, they were minding their business.  I still feel somewhat icky.  Looking at someone's character is of the utmost importance, not their outside.  I am sorry, Father, and I wish I could take back those thoughts.


Letters to God

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nothing is too difficult for God

Dear God,

You are the God of Miracles.  Today, I have spent some time with You and read Your word.  I am here to approach the throne of Grace to help in time of need.  I am in need of wisdom and guidance.  I realize that what I have to do is quite simple: read the Bible, apply it to my life, prayer, and obedience.  The Christian life is not always an easy life because of life's difficulties not to mention fighting the enemy, but You make it all possible.  You are great, majestic, and powerful.  Nothing is too difficult for You.  It took a while to realize that.  My life has not been difficult yet it has had its share of difficulties.  Thank You.


Letters to God

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Serenity Prayer

Dear God,

Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.



Letters to God

Monday, March 17, 2014

Living for God

Dear God,

Help me to fight the good fight of faith.  Help me not to lose heart.  I want to be ready when Jesus Christ returns.  I want to be a part of His Bride.  If You were to come back right now, I would doubt that I would be ready.  Father, I ask of Your forgiveness.  I repent of my sins.  Help me to live for You and serve You all the days of my life.  Thank You for saving me.

In Jesus' name,


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Importance of living one's life for God

Dear God,

I apologize for not always communicating with You.  I have to really consider the condition of my soul and spirit.  I have not been living productively and I know why.  I feel like I am lost and without a sense of direction.  I need guidance on how to be a more productive citizen of Heaven.  I do want to live like and be a true Christian believer who has no doubt in her salvation but living and walking in faith.  I am supposedly fighting the good fight, but I feel like I am losing a fighting battle.  I am in need of strength and understanding. My mind has been clear because I have focused on You.  Thank You.  I am just tired of not knowing what I need to do and how to live my life.  How do I overcome my fears and doubts?  How do I apply Your word to my daily life?  Show me, Lord.  I need help.


Letters to God

Friday, March 14, 2014

Weighty letter

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am motivated to lose weight, but that is all.  Now what?  I want to not only lose weight, but be healthy.  I realize that even though I will be anything but thin, I want to lose 90-100 lbs.  It seems like a big undertaking that is overwhelming.  Maybe I should have divided up into small tasks.  Maybe I need to reward myself, but how?  How do I reward myself without either making myself overwhelmed in the end such as eating too much dessert or buying more than one dress?  I have a mind that says "I can do all things through You who strengthens me".  On the other hand, it is so overwhelming that it gets in the way.  I feel so frustrated, so where do I live by faith even when I am losing weigh?  Lord, I need Your guidance.  I ask that You would open avenues where I can exercise and do other things that I need to do to lose weight.  The urgency factor that often comes into play is what is most overwhelming.  That is how I deal with procrastination.  I know that I have a compulsion issue and that I often give in to cravings, but I cannot use it as an excuse to be lazy. Lord, I need help...and all of Your help.


Letters to God

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Speaking to God

Dear God,

I know that my last few letters have been short.  Sometimes it is hard finding to find the right words to say.  I am supposed to speak to You in reverence, so it can be daunting.  Lord, help me find the right words to say in my prayers.  Help me to grow in my faith.  Forgive me of all of my sins.  Thank You for Your guidance.


Letters to God

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Dear God,

Help me find the right words to say.

In Jesus' name,


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014


Dear God,

I have finally identified what is really wrong with me.  What should I do to further address the problem?  My life has gotten easier, or at least that is how I feel.  I feel like my life is one big series of compulsions and that I just have a need to fix things.  Thank You for giving me the strength and wisdom to believe that I can be an overcomer.  With You all things are possible.  I am glad that it is in Your word.  I refuse not to believe Your word, but I have to admit that it is hard doing so.  I guess that is where faith, hope, and love come in.  You have always been there for me and I finally realize it.  Thank You.


Letters to God

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Praise and worship


I give You the highest praise.  You, Oh Lord are worthy!  Holy, Holy, Holy, Oh Lord!  You are Holy!

Hallelujah!  I praise You, Jesus.  Thank you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Dear God,

I believe that You are greater than all of my problems.  I turn my situations over to You.  I thank You that You have the controls.

In Jesus' Name,


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014


Dear God,

Your word says something about the flesh being weak but the Spirit is willing.  Show me how to apply Your words to my daily life.  I am having issues that I cannot overcome on my own no matter how hard I try.  I need help, Lord.  I need to know what to do.  I put my trust in You for all things.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Letters to God