Friday, July 31, 2015

Questions that I have for the Lord


I am happy to have opened myself up to You.  Thank You for giving me the opportunity to pour our my heart to You.  I have wondered, however, who I am in Christ Jesus.  Who am I really?  Why am I here? What is God's purpose for me?  What are my gifts and talents and how should I use them?  I ask these questions because I have lived my life not as much as I think I should have.  Forgive me, Father, for my sins. I have struggled and still struggle to this day, with sins.  I feel like my sins are keeping You from answering my prayers.  I have allowed the world to control me.  I have allowed a lot of things and I ask that You would take me and love me still.  I praise You for with You all, things are possible.


Letters to God

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Praise Jesus

Jesus, thank You.  You have always been there for me.  I love You, Lord.  You are worthy of my praise.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Help me to be an overcomer.


Oh no!  Help me to overcome my fears about quitting.  If I could blog, then I could exercise.  Right now, I am afraid of failure and I am afraid to quit.  Give me the wisdom and the strength to not quit and to not allow fear to take over.  I am writing this because I had this plan of exercising daily and creating these meal plans. However, what I am left are meal plans I have difficulty following, and a mindset that says that I need to give up.  Right now I feel like giving up.  Losing weight is harder than I thought.  My goal is to stay on this journey, but my goal is not to remain frustrated.  I lost 9 lbs today and I am proud of myself.  Really.  I am so tired and so frustrated.  I have grown tired of the frustration.  How do I keep it simple?  Show me, when it comes to meals and meal plans, where to begin.  How do I have the energy to get back to exercise?  Give me that strength back.  I don't feel good and I feel so lazy right now.  My goal is to lose weight and to follow a realistic plan  Lord, I ask that You would give me the opportunity to renew my mind.  I know and am aware that I need to see things differently.  I don't want to "start over".  I want to keep moving and I certainly don't wish to quit.  I also ask for a change in mindset.  I tend to see things one way and that has been unproductive.  Well, I want to be productive, but I have no idea what to ask and when I need to start. Where do I begin?


Letters to God

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A "simple" prayer

Dear Jesus,

Help me to keep things simple.  I wish things would come easier for me, but they don't.  I wish I could express myself better.  Thank You for Your answer.  All I had to do is to keep it simple.  I have no wisdom on how to do that so I ask You for wisdom.  I also ask that You would forgive me of my sins.  Show me how to do Your will.

In Your name,


Monday, July 27, 2015

I had a lazy moment today.

Heavenly Father,

There are those moments when I just don't feel like it.  Those are the other moments when I am fearful that I will quit.  It is as if I have forgotten to realize that exercise has been of great benefit for me.  My weight is something that I want to come down.  Maybe I do have these unrealistic expectations and that is why I have been so frustrated as of late.  I guess that is how I feel about my life.  I have such unrealistic expectations for myself.and I feel like I am a failure.  I also feel like I am like here to say that I have no real idea what I really do with my life.  It seems to me that I need a change in every area.  I ask that You would strengthen my faith. Help me to be more patient.  I also ask that You would remind me that I can conquer this fears and that I am stronger than I think.  I thank You for those things, In Jesus' name,  Amen.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The "answers" are not always in the details.


I do tend to sweat the small stuff, a lot.  That is not good for my health and not just my physical health.  I feel like just do me.  That sounds good and all, but is it biblical?  I don't think it is wise to live just for oneself.  Is that the real definition of doing me.  Does it leave out the fact that You are the Creator?  There are just times when I have so many questions that I don't immediately have the answer to.  That has been happening a lot over the years.  It seems that it doesn't matter and in the grand scheme of things it is true, but the details do matter to me.  Those details are the things that I fight with on a daily basis.  Right now, I am thinking about a pic in which a man poisons his wife because she cheated with four men.  I don't know how to deal with that photo.  In the grand scheme of things, it is just a fictional story.  However the details give me questions in spite of the fact the answers are already there.  All I have to say is, Lord, I leave the details in Your hands.
Thank You for answering my prayer and relieving my stress.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Wise Prayer


Give me Your wisdom.  I could use some of it.  I have been frustrated lately about my diet and about my weight.  I am here to write that I am feeling much better about what has been negative.  I ask that You would change my mindset.  Also, I ask that You would renew my mind that I may continue to be wise.  Wisdom is truly like a lady.  She is truly valuable.  I thank You, Lord, for that wisdom.

In Jesus' name,


Friday, July 24, 2015

The journey ahead

Heavenly Father,

There is no need to recall since You already know what I am going to write or say before I was even going to express it.  I thank You for that.  I am just frustrated with losing weight.  I will not give up and I know that I can continue to exercise and lose weight.  I am facing my fears head on and I am taking action.  You have guided me along the way and for that, I am thankful.  I need help.  I have often made bad decisions when it comes to my eating habits.  I don't want to jinx myself when it comes to my eating habits, but I am struggling in this area and I don't know what to do.  I am asking for wisdom that I may face my fears about both diet and exercise head on.  I also ask for guidance so that I will not only be wise but to do well in my weight loss journey.  Weight loss is hard, especially with PCOS.  It is as if weight loss is so difficult that I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I don't want to give up and I leave everything in Your hands.  I give all of this to You.  I know that my prayers are being answered as I type this.  Thank You for allowing me to express myself in this manner.


Letters to God

Thursday, July 23, 2015

My petition

Heavenly Father,

Why do I have thoughts about gross things sometimes?  Gross things scare me.  The idea of those gross things ever happening make it certain in my mind.  I pray that that doesn't happen.  I have had obsessive thoughts about this for a long time.  I tend to walk eggshells around him because of my temper.  I am tired.  I need a life of my own and a way of escape.  No matter how hard I try, nothing seems to be working for me.I also ask that You would open doors for me so that I can escape.  I however, believe that You have a will for me.  I still do wonder why am I here.  Why am I here?  What is the purpose of staying here?  I wish that a change will happen.  Furthermore, I will leave it in Your hands.

Thank You, Lord.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Health and holy living

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am in need of guidance and forgiveness.  My real issues are a lack of a sincere motive and how I consume what I eat and drink.  As I was praying to You, I had a thought.  It was as if You were speaking to me about this very thing. I wonder if You believe if I had an insincere motive for repenting for my sins.  The truth is, I have had numerous doubts about being saved.  There are times when I wonder if I am saved or if I am lost. I do want to be saved by Your Son, Jesus Christ.  I also ask to be forgiven for all of my sins, including my lack of a sincere motive.  Your Word does say that we are to repent and be baptize, but have I repented. I don't want to be saved by prayer; I want to be saved by Jesus.  I look unto Jesus, Lord.  I want to live holy and righteous.  

I also want to live and be healthy.  I find myself frustrated with my lack of weight loss.  There is a bright side to this however.  I am not gaining.  The scale just isn't budging.  I did learn that I have become too scale-conscious this morning and that has not helped.  In fact, obsessing with anything is not good.  I ask You for guidance, that You would guide me and provide me with the wisdom that I need when it comes to my health. I want to lose 60 pounds which means that I have 53 pounds to go.  I am happy that a seven pound weight loss is in order.  However, and that is not a good word to use, but I am not happy that I lost those pounds. Remind me that I don't want to gain any weight and that I don't want to give up. It now makes me wonder what kind of diet book should I buy?  What kind of recipes should I follow?  What foods should I buy from the store?  

I have these questions because it seems that is what I need for myself.  I ask for immediate assistance in these matters.  Thank You Lord, for answering this prayer.  Thank You for hearing my petition.
In Jesus' name, Amen

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Repentance prayer

Lord Jesus,

I have no real clue about what true repentance entails.  I want to be forgiven and I ask for it, Jesus.  I thank You that You do have the power to forgive sins.  I realize that need to repent and to seek Your face.  I am sorry that I have not done so.  Thank You for Your love and undivided attention to me.  I know that You watch over me.  Sadly it doesn't always deter me from doing things that are sinful and are respectful to You.All that I can say is that I am truly, truly sorry.  I want to change.  I need to change.  My desire is to be a true believer who lives for You and serves .  I believe that You are a loving Father; however, I have the tendency to take that for granted as well.  All I can say is that I love You and I thank You.

In Your name,


Monday, July 20, 2015

Help me.


Help me. Teach me  how to pray.  I know I have to be honest.  I tried to do so this morning.  I need Your wisdom and guidance in this matter.  I ask You for the words to say.  I don't want to pray words and not mean them.  I want to be  honest with You.  I need Your help.  Show me what I need to do.  It is an ongoing problem that just won't go away.  I cannot do this all by myself.  It is as if I am making it worse and worse and worse.  I ask that You would show me how to just relax because it is now in Your hands.  I am just worried or rather concerned right now.  Lord, In Your name, show me what I need to do  My petition is that I don't want to remain having those concerns because of a lack of wisdom and direction.  Your answer is greatly appreciated; I give You thanks for Your answered.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Healthy living prayer


Thank You for saving me.  Thank You for giving me strength and a mind to use that strength.  I am okay today because of exercise.  Help me to not just deal with my fears and cares, but to overcome them.  I am referring to healthy living.  Yes, it is about diet and exercise.  I have prayed much lately.  I have also expressed my frustrations yesterday and I know that You have been patient with me.  I cast all of those cares and fears upon You.  I leave this in Your hands.  I am living and growing every single day.  Thank You.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Prayer of growth and forgiveness

Lord Jesus,

Help me to grow in You, O Lord.  I realize that I need help with some of the sins that I have committed. Fear is behind the reason that I do some of the things that I do.  Show me how to apply Your words to me and to my life.  I ask that the Holy Spirit would guide me as I read Your word.  I  ask that You would forgive me of all of my sins.  I ask that You would be the Advocate that Your words says that You are in 1 John.  I don't want to or like the idea of remaining in my sins, nor do I like the idea of keep committing those sins over and over.  I feel like I do.  I am just sorry for my sins and I ask for Your forgiveness.  I apologize for all of the wrong and evil things that I have ever done to You.   I ask that You would give me a clean me a pure and clean walk.  I want to live for You and serve You as an obedient and repentant believer in Christ.

In Your name,


Friday, July 17, 2015

Having doubts that I can no longer take anymore

Lord Jesus,

I know that the phrase, "come into my heart" are literally not in the Bible.  I realize that there is much deception in the church and I have believed things that are deceptive like that phrase.  I receive You now as Lord and Savior.  I believe that You died on the cross for me and that the Father rose You from the dead.  I ask that You would save me, for You are the only Way to the Father, I want to produce good fruit and I feel that I have not, especially this past week.  I am not proud of the way I carried myself for the past few days and for that, I am sorry.  I repent of all of my sins.  I also ask that You would give me the assurance that I am saved, and not lost.  I realize that much of my doubting stems from obsessive thoughts that won't go away.  I could pray them away, but I worry that it won't work.  I ask that You would give me peace of mind and that the Holy Spirit would reveal to me that I am a child of the Father, and a Joint-heir with You.  I am in need of help.  I ask You for this miracle and all miracles.  I also ask that You would fill me with the Holy Spirit.  I take too much time listening to the opinions of others.  I have no idea who is genuine and who in the church is false.  I don't understand things like Calvinism or Lordship Salvation.  I am not too sure if even a preacher is genuine or an Antichrist that has come into the world.  I ask that the Holy Spirit would guide me so that I won't listen to the opinions of man, but to listen to You, Lord.  I want to know You.  I also want for You to know me.  I want to live for You and serve You all the days of my life.  I thank You for answering this prayer.  I praise You that You are holy.  With You all things are possible.

In Your name, Jesus,


Thursday, July 16, 2015


Heavenly Father,

I find myself attracted to rape.  I don't understand.  It is rather a sick fantasy of mine to be raped by a man. I find gang rape disturbing, so why do I want to be raped?  I don't want to be raped, nor do I understand why I have these thoughts.  I also have images of being raped.  It is because of what I watched on television and online.  I am ashamed of myself.  For that, I am sorry and I repent.  Father, forgive me of all of my sins. Remind me that You are watching over me.  You will judge us all, myself included.  I realize that You not only love us, but give us wisdom and guidance.  Give me the wisdom to be wise about what is happening to me.  I cannot tell anyone but You.  However, it is strange writing this online to You.  I am just writing out these thoughts because it is true.  Something is just wrong with me.  Help me, Lord.  Thank You for listening to me, watching over me, and for answering my prayer.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I want to be respected.

Heavenly Father,

I wish I could say "no" sometimes.  My mother was right.  I am too much of a "yes" person.  No one respects a "yes" person.  I feel like I am being used and walked on.  I want to remove myself from all of that. I know that with You all things are possible, for if I were to do that all alone, even with counsel, it will not work.  Things will not change, much.  I have found myself anxious and down today because I am a "yes" person.  I care what others think and I want to do the right thing.  I felt incompetent today because of a "problem" it seems I could have solved.  I am afraid.  I am always afraid.  I can pray all I want, but I have always heard that You help those who help themselves, but is that biblical?  I really don't know.  I feel like there is a weight upon me and as a result I ate food that I know that I had no business eating.  I should have exercised today, but I did not.  I should have consumed healthy foods, but I had no desire to.  It is of no use to buy things and write out thoughts and not try to change.  I have tried that and I feel like I have failed.  It is as if my motivation to change or to exercise or to do what I planned to do has fallen by the wayside.  I have finally learned to look fear face to face, for the most part.  Why cannot I conquer this particular "yes" person fear?  I need guidance.  I have no idea what to do.  Help me to be the conqueror Your word says that I am. I don't say "no" enough, nor do I stand up for myself as if I have no value.  I know I have to no longer allow fear to take over.  I know I am not being made perfect in love.  I don't have that love or sound mind to conquer fear.  I am tormented by fear  I just want for things to change.  I want for me to change.  I have no idea how to change my situation.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

In Jesus' name,


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Prayers for all those who are in need of wisdom and a reminder


I thank You that You are the God of Miracles.  I also thank You that the Israelites, including the Jews, are the Apple of Your eye.  May we as Americans not forget them and pray for them as well.  May we also pray for President Obama.  May he be given guidance and much wisdom as well as all of our leaders. Remind us also to pray for our nation.  We all here in the nations of the world need You, for You are Lord and Savior, and Judge.  Forgive me, and the rest of Your church for our sins.  May we be ever thankful and ever repentant in this hour.  This includes me as well.  Thank You for watching over all of us.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, July 11, 2015

I need to know


What goals should I set for myself?  What are Your goals for me?  How should I go about with those goals?  I have these questions because at my age, I feel guilty that I have allowed the world to pass me by it seems. I don't understand, but what have I done?  I feel like I have not said or done enough.  I realize that being a Christian is hard, but I have no idea how much I have to wait.  My only goals are to live for You and serve You all the days of my life.  I want to dwell in Your house for ever.  I look forward to living in those mansions that You told the disciples.

Here is the thing:  I have doubts to this day that I am born again. Do I need to be baptized in order to be truly saved?  Is there anything that I have not done?  I have asked Jesus to save me over and over and over again.  I now wonder if I am saved.  It is of no use to pray for others' salvation when I have doubts of my very own.  I have had doubts for over 2 decades and I still have doubts to this very day.  I just want these doubts to end.

I am also approaching middle age and as it seems I have had nothing to show for it for the past decade.  I have no real friends outside of my family and my cat.  I love them all but I get tired of being sheltered sometimes.  I have no idea how to get out of my situation.  I write about it a lot in this blog.  I wish things could be different.  I want things to be different but I have no idea where I need to start.  I feel like I have dug myself into a lot of holes over times.  I want to just live.  Lord, I need help and I need guidance.  I just need immediate assistance and I need immediate help.  I ask that You would come speedily and answer my prayers.  Help me, Lord.

I also want and need to know what else I can write differently.  I would like to stop writing about my weight, my appearance, and the fact that I am sheltered and have no date.  I would like to go back to school but I have no money and I doubt if I can obtain a grant.  I would like to have transportation of my very own, but I cannot drive and I am always dependent on others.  I feel like I am treated differently because I am diabetic and because I am bipolar.  I don't know how to change my life.  Help me, Lord.  Help me to grow as a Christian and as a person altogether.  Lord, what is Your will for my life?  What is my purpose here on this planet?  Why am I here?  I ask for an immediate answer for I have been struggling.  I have grown tired of struggling and I have grown tired of feeling the way that I do.  I ask for change because I want, need, and desire to change.  Most of all, I ask You for wisdom in this situation.  I give You thanks for answering my prayer.  Thank You.

In Jesus' name,


Friday, July 10, 2015

Sin I am struggling with

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You.  I ask for Your forgiveness of my sins.  I have sins that I need to repent of.  I really have a hard time believing that I am ready whenever I commit those sins.  I know that I need help, for I am struggling. The first time was when I was a kid.  I always had that curiosity, but I didn't think it would get to that level. It is all about isolation and the fear of getting caught.  I don't feel like a good person.  In fact, it is as if I cannot stop.  I want to.  I need to.  That is my desire.  I need Your help.  Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from this evil.  I thank You for doing so.

In Jesus' name,


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Life as I know it and the world as I see it


Thank You for Your love and understanding.  Teach me to be as understanding and loving as You have been. Help me to always use Jesus as my Example.  This is also true when it comes to the persecuted church.  What I am going through is not easy, but what other believers and those of other beliefs are going through in other parts of the world is even more difficult.  It is difficult especially to be a Christian in those parts of the world.  Remind me to pray for them and to worship You daily.  We as the Church are being persecuted daily, whether it is a burned church, ridicule, bullying, rape, sickness, or persecution.  Help me to understand that Christians are "targets", meaning the devil is busy.  I believe that You will return and return quickly.  I believe that according to Your word, You are living in the last days, though I and many believers, live among scoffers.  To me, all I have to do is look around and read scriptures.  Help me not to just have a heart for the persecuted church, but also to have a heart for all who are oppressed and persecuted.  Lord, You are the God of those who are persecuted and oppressed, for they have been, and still are, many.

I realize that I have been too "busy" to pray and too "forgetful" to read Your word.  I also realize that most of my prayers are self-centered.  I am not too sure if it is because of the kind of person I am or is it because of my situation.  I am a sheltered soul who sees the benefit of being sheltered and isolated.  However, I also see the downside of this sheltered, isolated life as well.  May I not forget to love, pray, and help those who are persecuted and are less fortunate than I am.  I am grateful for who I am and all that I have.  I have come to realize that things could be much much worse.  My medical condition could be much worse.  I could have no home or people who love me.  I also live in a nation where there is still religious freedom despite the ridicule of some who don't believe.  I as an American am not sure if I am prepared or understand the persecution that takes place in other nations.  How do I understand what little I know?  How do I prepare myself so that I can "get my house in order"?  Help me to be ready for Your return.  Thank You for answering this prayer.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fictional Letter from Hell

Dear family and friends, and the world at large,

I am tormented in this flame. I ask God to save me over and over again. I thought I was a Christian. I should have lived for God, but I lived for myself, and everyone else. I brought my problems on myself. I have no one else to blame.

I was a selfish young woman. I had the whole world ahead of me. How could I be so stupid? It is a scary dark place where people are being tormented day and night, night and day. It is a place I don't wish on my worst enemy.There is no love, no forgiveness, no peace, and no joy. This is what Hell is like. Hell is a real place, but I didn't believe. Hell is not a false doctrine. I should not have listened to the doctrine of others. Instead, I should have read God's word for myself. This is not a place of rest nor is it a party. The smell is wretched down here. You could hear the gnashing of teeth, the screams, and the cries of regret.

It is my fault. I brought myself to this place because I made one bad choice. God did not send me here, I sent myself here. I should have known that I deserve this fate, but I did not take the time to read or study the Bible, or even thank God. I took God for granted, nor was I thankful.I was also among the unholy. I lived my life as I pleased. I lived life my way. I did my own thing, and now I regret it. Independence is not always a good thing. Dependence is a most precious thing. Depend on Jesus for salvation, for He is the only way. Why didn't I listen? I had friends who are Christian. I thought I was saved because I said a prayer, but I left it at that. I did not live for the Lord nor did I serve Him.I cried out to God for help, but is of no use. I will never see my loved ones . I will never wake up in the morning. I will never prepare breakfast for my kids. I will never read them a story and kiss them good night. I wish I could tell them that I loved them, but I cannot. I cannot even contact my loved ones and ask how they are doing. I was a good person, but being good is not enough. I could have been among the saved, but it is too late for me. Don't let it too late for you.


A Suffering Young Woman

Dear Heavenly Father,
Is it a good idea for this letter to lead others to Jesus? Jesus is the Only Way to the Father and He is the only one who converts. How effective are tracts and letters like this when it comes to reaching the lost? I thought about this because this was based on a letter that I had written. I tried to make this letter as biblically accurate as possible. Is it biblically accurate? This fictional letter I wonder has to do with just wondering about my own religious fate and soul as it is about reaching those who need the Lord. By the way, I was inspired from an online letter to a young man who ended up in Hell because He was not saved. He was angry with his Christian friend because the Christian friend failed to witness to him. I hope and pray that this isn't a copy of that, which was not my intention.

Here is the video I am referring to:

Lord, help me to share my love for the Lord in these days and times.  How do I overcome my shyness?  I do care too much what others and the world think.  I repent of listening to what others believe.  Forgive me for all of my sins.  How do I help to reach the lost including my family?  I ask You for wisdom and guidance in this matter.

In Jesus' name,


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

God watching over us

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for answering my prayers.  I was and still am in such need that I feel You are literally there for me.  I know that You are watching every step I made and will make.  I believe that You watch over us. That is what I believe means for us to understand how omnipresent You are.  I just want to say thank You.  You are here for me no matter what.  Thank You for giving me my faith and my strength back.


Letters to God

Monday, July 6, 2015

Guilty pleasures

Lord Jesus,

My whole life seems to be a series of guilty pleasures from music to my political beliefs.  I realize for myself that the best person for me to be is myself.  I often complain about me not being a good person, but the truth is, none of us are good people.  I often have thoughts about being hated but I wonder if that is based on things that have been internalized.  I have negative thoughts about myself stemming from when I was a child. People often would tell me one thing but I had a hard time believing it.  I want to not just get over it, and to not just deal with the issue.  I ask for Your wisdom in this situation.  I thank You that You give liberally.  I am learning to apply Your word to my life.  I no longer have doubts that You would help me.  Thank You for Your help and for answering this prayer.  I say this in faith, in Your name, Amen.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The shortness of life

Lord Jesus,

Remind me that life is too short.  Sometimes I admit that I live as if everyday isn't my last, but it could very well be.  Life is quite short and there are times I didn't realize that life is too short for me to think about.  I confess that I may die young and I have had thoughts about not living long for years.  The truth is, I could live to be 100.  All I can do is to serve You only and live holy until the day I die, whatever my age will be.  It isn't how long one lives on this planet, but it is what one does or fails to do on this planet that determines my eternal destiny.  That is why I ask that You would remind me daily of the fact that You do watch over us.

Thank You for giving me an answer to Your prayer,

In Your name,


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Time I believe is moving real fast because I believe it is running short.

Heavenly Father,

Give me the assurance of my salvation.  Forgive me of all of my sins.  Teach me to do Your will.  I have failed to do so because of the choice to sin.  I have also failed because of my failure to realize that You are ever watchful.  I have been having doubts lately and upon reading Your word and verses in Your Word, I was feeling bad about having doubts about You and the fact that You answer prayer.  I thank You for Your love and for Your understanding.  I believe that life and time have gotten shorter because of what is going on. I look around and see this.  No matter if the end is 2 years or 2 centuries, there is much work to be done. I feel like a failure because I have done little work on this planet.  What have I done during my time on the Earth?  I feel like I have little or nothing to show for it?  What is my calling?  What is my ministry?  Show me, Lord, what I need to do and where I need to begin.  I give You thanks for answering my prayer.

In Jesus' name,
