Friday, March 20, 2015

I need help

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am in need of help and health.  I am in need of healing.  My hip hurts, my sleep is disturbed, and other parts of my body hurt.  I am afraid to exercise.  I am afraid of continuing to be overwhelmed. I have been overwhelmed and I do so easily.  I thought I was progressing and doing well, but I am not. Help me to get back on track.  Maybe I am putting way too much pressure on myself.  I need to take it easy, but I am concerned that I may end up lazy.  I am also concerned that maybe I am lazy already. I do eat mindlessly and I sleep a lot.  I feel like life is just boring.  I sound selfish but that is how I feel right now. I have spent today and many days wasting time.  I realize now that the only reason I feel this way is because my feelings got hurt.  Maybe I do need to change.  Maybe things need to change.  I realize however I do need help with these hurt feelings.  I hate it when things go wrong for me.  However, there is hope for me, and I am hopeful.  I am in need myself.  Lord, heal, forgive, and continue to love me.  Now I know that this sounds selfish but I have nowhere else to turn.  I have tried other avenues but I want to try You.  I am sorry if I come across as selfish and ungrateful. I realize and feel like something is wrong with me.  I know what it is.  There is something that is in my way.  I would like to have that roadblock removed, but I don't know what to say or what to do. Give me the patience I need.  I also ask for You to help me with my mindless eating.  Help me get back on track.  Help me, Lord, to get myself together.  Help me to take charge of my life.  Right now I feel like I am losing control.  I feel guilty because of the things I have done today.  They were a waste of precious time.  I need help controlling my eating and managing my time wisely.  I have failed to do that because I feel like a failure.  I just don't know how to overcome that.  Teach me and show me how to work on that.  I ask You to strengthen me and increase my faith.  Give me the wisdom that I so need so that I would gain an understanding of what You want me to do.  Guide me with Your Eye. I need guidance so that I can be able to take charge of my health and all of the things I feel guilty about. Remind me of why I started all this in the first place and so that I can take the proper action as You show me how.  I thank You for answering my prayer. I praise You because You answer prayers. I thank You, Lord.

In Jesus' name,


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