Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weighty confessions

Dear God,

I am afraid of gaining weight.  Everytime I stay at a certain weight, I end up gaining even more weight than I ever had before.  It happened in college, and it happened in college again, and it has happened just a few years ago.  I am still trying to lose weight and lately it has been a struggle.  I have made some bad choices lately and I don't know how to stop. 

I am eating like crazy later in the day instead of eating early or eating snacks.  That has been my weakness.  I don't feel like giving up but I do feel like a failure...three days in a row.  I have eaten on average 2500-3000 calories per day.  I have all of the healthy food and all of the information at my disposal but I don't know how to utilize that information or eat healthy.

I need wisdom and guidance in this matter.  I have PCOS, am a diabetic, and I am clinically obese.  I have self esteem and self-control issues as well.  I feel horrible about that.  I wish I could change that.  All I can do is to surrender my health issues, my diet, and all of my cares and concerns over to You. 

I leave everything in Your hands and everything over to Your care.  There isn't anything more that I can do about it.  I have tried everything else.  I am obsessed with trying to find the right amount of calories for me, the right exercise, and the right amount of carbs.  Maybe I should start over.  What is Your will for me?  What do You think?  What does Your word say about my particular situation?

Letters to God

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