Thursday, July 9, 2015

Life as I know it and the world as I see it


Thank You for Your love and understanding.  Teach me to be as understanding and loving as You have been. Help me to always use Jesus as my Example.  This is also true when it comes to the persecuted church.  What I am going through is not easy, but what other believers and those of other beliefs are going through in other parts of the world is even more difficult.  It is difficult especially to be a Christian in those parts of the world.  Remind me to pray for them and to worship You daily.  We as the Church are being persecuted daily, whether it is a burned church, ridicule, bullying, rape, sickness, or persecution.  Help me to understand that Christians are "targets", meaning the devil is busy.  I believe that You will return and return quickly.  I believe that according to Your word, You are living in the last days, though I and many believers, live among scoffers.  To me, all I have to do is look around and read scriptures.  Help me not to just have a heart for the persecuted church, but also to have a heart for all who are oppressed and persecuted.  Lord, You are the God of those who are persecuted and oppressed, for they have been, and still are, many.

I realize that I have been too "busy" to pray and too "forgetful" to read Your word.  I also realize that most of my prayers are self-centered.  I am not too sure if it is because of the kind of person I am or is it because of my situation.  I am a sheltered soul who sees the benefit of being sheltered and isolated.  However, I also see the downside of this sheltered, isolated life as well.  May I not forget to love, pray, and help those who are persecuted and are less fortunate than I am.  I am grateful for who I am and all that I have.  I have come to realize that things could be much much worse.  My medical condition could be much worse.  I could have no home or people who love me.  I also live in a nation where there is still religious freedom despite the ridicule of some who don't believe.  I as an American am not sure if I am prepared or understand the persecution that takes place in other nations.  How do I understand what little I know?  How do I prepare myself so that I can "get my house in order"?  Help me to be ready for Your return.  Thank You for answering this prayer.

In Jesus' name,


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