Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Changes that I need, want, and desire

Dear Heavenly Father,

Show me how to apply all that I have learned and all I have at my disposal to my daily life.  I feel guilty because of my failure to do so.  The answer was right in front of my face.  Change me and my mindset.  I need to get up and do something about it.  I often concern myself with my weight yet I haven't done a whole lot to change it.

I meant to write about my revelations yesterday but I feel asleep.  Help me to stay mentally grounded and mindful.  Renew my mind continually so that I may and thus will, be transformed by the renewal of my mind.  Show me also how to apply Your word to my daily life.

I always want to do the right thing.  However, I end up making mistakes and more mistakes, and even more mistakes.  I allow the mistakes to sometimes sidetrack me.  I allow them from keeping my goals whatever they may be.  Set the goals for me that I need in order to lose whatever weight I need, want, and desire to lose.

I know that I always mention my weight because it is one of a few things that I am overly concerned with.  I have taken my health for granted.  My health is very important to me.  I feel like sometimes my health is getting worse.  I don't want to be tired and frustrated every day of my life.  Show me that as a human I am flawed yet I know I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.  I ask for continued strength from the Lord.

Forgive me for my sins and my failures.  I want, need, and desire to change and do better.  I realize that I cannot go back and change things, but the present really is a gift.  Thank You, Lord, for opening my eyes.  May Your eyes guide me continually.  I put all of my trust in You.

In Jesus' Name,


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