Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Feeding an obsession

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me.  Help me to not feed my obsessive thoughts.  I realize that I have to learn to accept my thoughts as just that: thoughts.  It took me long enough.  I have done the inevitable: I decided that these thoughts are just thoughts and that they don't control me.  I won't let them control me.  I have spent too much time on things that are irrelevant.  Give me rest and peace of mind, Lord, that I may resist the temptation to allow those thoughts to overpower me.  Give me wisdom that I may know how to handle the fear that I have now.  It is about a fictional character who I believe may be more adulterous that I thought but I haven't watched the show.  I have an obsession with TV and adultery.  Your Word says that I will set no wicked thing before my eyes and that may qualify as setting no wicked thing before my eyes.  Help me to guard my heart with all diligence and my eyes as well.  Give me the strength to overcome this so that I won't feed the obsession.


Letters to God

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