Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wisdom, guidance, and direction

Dear Heavenly Father,

Give me wisdom and strength in the time of trouble.  I would like to think that I will not fall away.  There will be a falling away according to Your word.  It is a sad thing to think about.  I believe that there is a falling away as I type this.  I don't understand how anyone could fall away.  Maybe they weren't strong enough.  Maybe they were naive.  I don't know, but I ask to stay strong so that I won't be so discouraged that I will fall away.  I will not be ashamed of You and I don't want to be shamed when judgement comes.  I would like to be a witness and a servant unto others. 

What is Your will for my life?  Where in Your Word will I find Your will for my life?  Do I preach?  Teach?  Pray?  Show me how to also use my gifts and talents to glorify You and for Jesus to save others.  I am troubled that I have not always lived such a holy, righteous life.  I need to ask myself how this would glorify You.  Holiness is required, daily living.  I know that I cannot be doing wrong one minute and doing all the right things the next.  I realize that being holy isn't going to be easy, but that is what You commanded us to be.  I am to be set apart from the world.  I ask for a sense of direction in my life.

Thank You for giving me that direction for my life.  I just feel like I am lost and alone.  This is true especially that I have a thought.  Help me to calm my mind down whenever an obsessive thought arises.  I have to realize that they are bothersome and I cannot let them bother me or upset me.  I am afraid of anything, and I mean, anything, triggering another obsessive thought.  I have grown tired of avoidance instead of holiness.  Purify my motives and purify my heart.  Renew my heart and my mind.  Help me to grow in Your word, and I thank You for answering this year.


Letters to God

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