Friday, February 6, 2015

Bravery and Courage

In the Name of Jesus,

Thank You for answered prayer.  I finally realize what has been wrong with me all along.  I am afraid not of people, but what would they do to me.  I ask that pray that Riley Renee will be alright.  I surrender her to You.  I leave the situation in Your hand.  I would like to say that all will be okay but I don't think she is out of the woods yet.  I ask that You would continue to provide a miracle for her, and for myself.  I am concerned about myself because I don't wish to be blamed.  Nor do I wish for anything bad to happen to me.  I have an anxiety disorder and I don't know how to be confronted.  I just don't like confrontation.  In fact, I hate it and I need help in overcoming it.  God, give me strength.  Please, help me.  Help me to be brave.  Help me to find the right words to say.  Show me what I need to do during a confrontation.  I do care too much what the "world at large" thinks of me and now I realize that that is a road to nowhere.  I wish I were brave and could fight.  The truth is, I am not and I don't want to just wish anymore.  Give me wisdom in this situation and strengthen my faith and my resolve.  In my mind I see a warrior or a lioness.  But looking back at me I see a kitten or a fly.  I am too mind and too harmless.  I feel too weak.  It is like I am weak.  I can shrink and back down just like that.  It is as if no one cares and that I am so small in the world.  That, Lord, is quite difficult to overcome.  I don't know what to do.  Show me what I need to do.  How do I become brave, strong, fearless, and an over comer?  I don't want to wish it anymore.  I want to be it.  I don't see person who stands up for herself and is respected.  I see a person who is always timid, shy, holding things in, and to be honest, a wimp.  I believe that most people don't respect me.  They see me as being too meek and not strong enough.  How do You see me?  How do I become an over comer?  How do I just say what I want to say or to be brave and express myself?  You are the Only One who can answer this prayer.  I believe that You are greater than this problem which has been a center of my obsessive thoughts for many years. Whatever my beliefs on this are, I thank You for answering this prayer.


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