Thursday, January 8, 2015

Prayer of the assurance of salvation

Lord Jesus Christ,

You are the Son of God.  I believe with all of my heart that that Father rose You from the dead.  I call on Your name and I ask You to save me.  I repent of my sins, all of my sins.  I confess that I am a sinner in need of You.  Forgive me of all of my confessed sins.  I ask that You would change me and make me a new creation in You.  I ask that You would give me the assurance of my salvation.  I have not been assured that I have been of my sins and of my salvation.  I have done things that I am ashamed of.  I am struggling with sins in my life and I wish to overcome those sins.  I haven't always lived in a way that is pleasing You.  As I have mentioned earlier, I apologize for those and all of my sins.  I want to live a live a life that is pleasing to You.  I ask that You would not blot my name out of the Lamb's Book of Life.  

I ask that You would give me the wisdom that I need to live for You all of my days.  I also ask for a sense of direction in my life.  I also ask for guidance that I may and that I will be an over comer.  I have been anxious and disobedient for a long time.  I ask for peace of mind and know how to overcome and deal with anxiety as You show me how.  I have been disobedient and I repent of my disobedience toward You .  I feel guilt for all that I have done wrong.  I also ask that You would give me a great dependence on You; help me that I would praise You and that You would give me a pure heart, mind, and motives.  I know that I need, want, and desire to change.  I would like to walk the narrow road to eternal life.  I believe that time is short and that I would like to serve You not just before time is short but also because of my love for You.  Help me to abstain even from the appearance.of evil.  Help me to make godly plans and to not forget who I am and where I came from.  I know that I am not a perfect person; help me to be perfected.  I love You and I receive You as Lord and Savior.  I thank You and I praise You that You are Lord and that my soul has been saved.

In Jesus' name, 


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