Friday, June 6, 2014

My spiritual "goals" and the persecuted church

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the name of Jesus, I thank You for saving me.  You have given me grace and help in a time of need.  I wish to be an obedient believer.  Help me to abstain from all appearance of evil.  I have got a lot of things to tell You about.  I have allowed myself to get caught up in the things of this world.

What is so evil about entertainment?  Anything that keeps me from glorifying You and causes me to err or rather concentrate on this world is evil in my eyes.  I am supposed to live holy and thus be holy.  I am supposed to be wise and be set apart from the world.  I have come to realize that this is easier said than done.

Being a believer has not been easy.  But like exercise there is no pain, no gain.  It is something I have to realize since there are so many in the world who are believers who are having it harder.  I pray that we as believers in America will remember them and pray for them.  Many of them have already been martyred for their faith.  I believe that I as an American, have no idea what is going on in the rest of the world.

It is so sad that too many hypocrites and other unrepentant people are in the church.  Too many Americans are "playing church".  It is a place for parties, fashion shows, and dinners to honor the pastor.  I understand that people gather in church and it is an institution in some areas, but the call to be salt and light should be our first priority.  There is just so much wrong in our churches here.

I cannot imagine having to be martyred for my faith.  I may be called old-fashioned, narrow-minded, and bigoted, but I cannot imagine being kidnapped, raped, burned, or killed for my faith.  Your Word gives a testimony of people who have had that happen to them.  I pray for those believers who are being persecuted and oppressed for they will one day be free and they will receive their reward.  I pray for unbelievers that they see these salts and lights of the earth and that the Holy Spirit will lead them to salvation and repentance.

May I remember them daily and keep my mind on the eternal.  I can only imagine that that is what the persecuted church sees and that is they not have it hard but they are trying to keep their minds stayed on You.  Help me to remember all of them, including the leaders in the nations where believers and those who do not know the Lord lack the freedom to worship You.  Help me to see that there are caring people in the world who are not exploiting them, but are remembering them and are praying for them.  May I be one of these people who pray without ceasing.

In Jesus' name,


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