Saturday, April 16, 2016

What would Jesus say or do about my weight and other health issues?

Lord Jesus,

Help me.  I know I need to lose weight.  I have read devotionals, lessons, and Bible verses.  I admit that I have not read Your entire Bible.  I wish I had taken the time to read and study Your Word.  Help me to deny myself and take up my cross.  I realize that You are the center of my life.  Lord, I make You the center of my life.  I have focused so much on my health that I often don't take the time to put You in it.  You are not my co-pilot, for You have died on the cross for me.  You didn't just become my Partner, You are My Lord.  You will judge all of us.  I realize that I did not put You first in all things.  I repent of all of those things.  It is wrong or unfair of me to not ask You for guidance.  I could use wisdom to perform those things that I could have done all along, which is diet and exercise.  I have made losing weight so difficult for me.  I don't know how to ask, but I need Your guidance, for You guide me with Your eye, which is what I ask for.

What does Your Word say about my weight issues and how I feel about myself?  I surrender my fears and doubts over to You.  Teach me Your ways in all matters, including the issues of health and weight loss.  I want to stay healthy, something I haven't been in years.  I have felt bad about myself because of my physical appearance and my health issues. I have a mindset that does not reflect godliness.  I admit that I think that I am unattractive and lazy. I want to be perfect or perfectionist.  My weight has been an issue for a long time because of how I feel about myself and how others see me.  I want and need to lose weight.  I also want to obey and serve You.  Forgive me for all of my sins.  Forgive me for not always allowing You to guide me and to put You first in my life.  You are my first Priority because I have to answer about how I have lived my life in every area.  Cleanse me of all of my sins and my unrighteousness.  Help me deny myself and to put You first.

I am afraid that I will fail and that I will falter.  I am still afraid that I will never lose weight and be healthy.  I have the skills and I finally know how to use them.  This is true, plus I want to feel the way You feel about me.  That is why I ask for Your help.  I don't really want to spend my days struggling without You in my life.  I have been miserable for most of my life.  I have my views on losing weight, but I wished I have taken the time to use that knowledge on myself.  I need to actually care.  The reasons why I have engaged in heavy eaten is not about sabotaging but about not caring.  I have taken my health for granted as I have taken life for granted.  Help me to change my mindset so that I can renew my mind.  I am afraid that I will fail and I need help in overcoming that. I am not confident because of my perfectionist mindset.  Help me to overcome fear and doubt.  I look at myself in the mirror and my own pictures and shadows.  The truth is, I don't like what I see.  I want to change, but for me and You.  I have been even more self-conscious over the years.

I know that poor eating habits play a role, but I don't wish to have my condition be used as an excuse. I have no idea how to change.  Your word has given me encouragement for Your word, and those verses speak of holiness.  I would like to know what are Your thoughts about me taking care of myself.  I have grown tired of doing and being and acting the same.  I have been unhappy with not only my health and my appearance, but also how I live out my days.  I want to do more than just focus so much on my physical appearance and poor eating habits.  I want to focus and live for You as a Christian.  I also ask for the Holy Spirit for conviction and for guidance.  I am in need of that.  This has been the deepest conversation that I have had about this issue.  Jesus, help me to be made perfected in love.  While I would like to eat healthy and exercise everyday, it is hard to do.  Losing weight has been hard for me for the long haul.  I want to finally learn from my mistakes and not get caught up in the attitudes of the world.  The truth is, I have no idea what I am doing.  I am scared.  Help me overcome this fear and even this anxiety.  I don't want to falter or make a mistake.  It seems to me that I become more than inspired by others, but it seems much easier for them to lose weight and be healthy.  I would like to know how to make small changes.  I would like to know what I am actually doing without the fear and anxiety taking over.

Lord, I know I need to lose weight, but as it seems, I have allowed this issue to become obsessive at times.  I just cannot take it anymore.  I have heard the phrase and song, "Jesus, Take the Wheel.".  I know what it means, but is it totally biblical?  Whatever the scripture says, I ask for the wisdom to know what Your Word says is true and what is non-biblical and false.  It is so frustrating to know that there were things that came upon me at one time, including a nearly 60 pound weight gain.  If only I were thinner than I am now, what will happen.  Would it change my mindset?  Will I become a much better, and happier, person?  I would like to live my life not caring what others think  I ask that You would help me live and breathe holiness, despite everything.  Help me to not feel bad because of fearing disappointment, or because I am procrastinating because I fear failure.  How do I overcome this?  I no longer want to have the mindset that I have.  That is why I ask for the things that I ask You.  I ask that  You would become the Lord of every area of my life.  Forgive me for all of my sins, including my fears for allowing them to take over.  Your word says to be anxious for nothing.  The problem is, I have a hard time dealing with anxiety.  Most of all I need You.

Help me to be thankful, thoughtful, and not get caught up in the things of this world, which is what has been a part of my life.  It right now, seems like this prayer is based on an obsession, which is worrying me.  Jesus, it seems as if my life is just one obsession or another.  I surrender every detail of my life over to You.  Help me to overcome these obsessions and this anxiety by giving me piece of mind.  Thank You for allowing me to present my request and my hope is that You have not only lent Your Ear, that You would convict me and guide me every step of the way.  I tire of living the same day over and over again.  I want to start anew.  Thank You for Your love, and for Your forgiveness.  I pray this in Your name, Amen.

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