Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jesus is Lord

Lord Jesus,

You are Lord. Thank You for saving me and for forgiving and loving me.  I know and see that You are greater than all of my problems.  I also believe that Your word says that greater are You who is in me than the enemy who is in the world.  There are times when mentally I have no clue how to discern between what You are trying to tell me, what the enemy says, and what the OCD says.  Show me how to discern between who is a true believer and what is true or what is not true.  I know and believe that they enemy is the father of lies.  What is the enemy lying about?  I sometimes feel like I am fighting a losing battle.  Am I letting the enemy or the OCD win?  I sometimes don't always know what is going on with me.  I am sorry that I have had such doubts.  I feel like I have showed my true colors and not in a good way.  Forgive me for being so rough on You.  I just told how I felt.  I felt down because I had doubts.  I have wondered why it seems I am forgotten and my prayers aren't answered.

I also ask for peace of mind in these days and times.  Show me what I am doing wrong as far as not always knowing or having a lack of discernment.  I also ask that You would strengthen my faith and that I no longer be doubtful.  I need Your help in overcoming any doubts that I have.  I have been struggling with doubts for a long time and I admitted some things to You and I ask for forgiveness for being so rude during my confession.  Forgive me of all of my sins, Lord.  I confess that I doubted and I have become frustrated with my life.  I realized that I have compared myself to others and that I see the world passing me by.  I know that there is much to work with in my life and that there are things that I need to straighten some things out, like how I feel about myself and about relaxation.  I realize that going on the computer all day long is not that healthy and I would like to be able to do other things, even while I am here.

I am sorry that I have not been grateful and that I ask that You would open my eyes.  I realize that despite everything, I need to be more grateful.  I am starting to understand that I am to count it all joy.  I also know and realize that I do complain too much instead of giving thanks. Forgive me, Jesus, for not always being grateful or thankful for all that I have.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me according to Psalm 51.  Renew my mind daily and may I not neglect what Your Word says.  May I also change my mindset.  I have a perfectionist all-or-nothing mindset and that has caused me problems.  I also have a negative mindset when it comes to me especially.

I know that I have a need to see the world differently.  My desire is to change, live for You, and to serve You. Teach me Your ways, and continue to be a Friend to me  Thank You for dying for me, taking my place, and being resurrected by the Father.  Lord Jesus, save me.  Save my soul and forgive all of my sins.  I also ask that the OCD will be dealt with and that You would give me peace of mind.  Jesus, give me the total assurance and knowledge and wisdom that You have saved me.  I ask for a change, Lord.  One of the scariest, if not the scariest realities is that one day, not everyone who calls on You will end up going to Heaven, walk the narrow road, and live in the New Jerusalem.  They will end up in Hell and have their part in the Lake of Fire.  I am scared that it will be me and that I am afraid to die.  I confess my sins before You and ask of Your forgiveness.

Speak to my heart, Jesus.  The sad reality is that unless I endure and obedient, I will walk the narrow road, for few will find it. Give me the wisdom and the guidance to walk the narrow road.  I ask for a change, not just in my life, but a change in me and my relationship with You.  There are times when I sometimes feel a disconnect.  I don't wish to come to You only when things go bad.  I want to be faithful and content when things go well.  My desire is to serve You, and live for You.  I confess I have not always made the right choices and that there are times when I feel that I have sinned willfully.  There are even things that I feel and know that I need to make right, but the truth is, I don't know how.  I just don't know what to do.  I also ask for forgiveness for I confess that I have lived in the past and held things against others.  I sometimes feel that I am a false believer and that I ask for assurance that I am truly saved and born again.  I also ask that not only purify my heart but that You would purify my mind and my motives.  Show me what I need to confess and repent of, for I know that I need You.  Change my mindset and change me so that I will endure.

Lord Jesus, I ask that You strengthen my faith and that You would give me the confidence that I know who I am in You.  Lord, I need to learn how to love and how to be loved for  I have issues such as life passing me by and having negative thoughts and feelings that need to change.  I ask that You would help me to change and teach me to truly love, honor, and respect myself and other people.  I thank You that You answer prayers and I thank You answered prayer.  I give You thanks for Your answer to my prayers.

In Your name, Lord Jesus Christ,


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