Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus,

Help me.  I realize that not only do I have a problem, I need to repent of all of my sins.  I confess that I am a sinner who needs You right now.  I need for You to wrap me in Your loving arms, Lord.  I would like to repent daily.  I realize that I am holding some things and I have really no control over my life.  Does anyone when they do their own thing and live their own way without You?  Jesus, I need for You to fix my life.  Fix things for me.  I am asking that You would please fix the situation I am in, or at least bring me out of it. Whatever Your will is, I will do it.  Give me strength over temptation, for I wish to not commit these sins anymore.  I want, need, and desire to change.  I want to walk in the fullness of You.  My sin is nothing that I wish to write down, but You know what it is.  I am and will no longer be in charge.  Take control of my life. Forgive me for all of my sins.  Cleanse me, and make me a new creation in You.  May all things, including those issues I aforementioned pass away.  May all things become new.  I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, assured that I am truly saved.  My full desire is to walk the narrow road and not allow myself to be devoured and choked by the cares of this life.  I want to be a good and faithful servant who will one day, enter into Your joy.  I confess these sins before You.  I ask that not only would You set me free, but that You will make me free.  I cast my cares over to You, and I thank You that You care for me.  I realize that the root of my problem is an anxiety and compulsion problem.  I isolate myself which makes it easier to ruminate in my obsessions and keep them alive.  I would like to not only overcome them, but work through them.  I would like to free from having these obsessive thoughts and carrying out these compulsions.  Build up and strengthen my faith, O Lord, and help me to realize and affirm that I am one of Yours and that I am a person who has been fearfully and wonderfully made.

In Jesus' name,


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