Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fantasy about someone who is dead

Dear Heavenly Father,
I sound crazy but I have a crush on someone who is dead. He was so good looking and so talented yet seemingly a bit quirky. He was famous or at least the son of a famous person. He died young and would have been in his late 30s had he lived.  His father who is famous, is well known.  I feel like I could fall in love with this guy, yet he is dead.

The truth is, I will never meet him because he is dead.  I do wonder however, where he ended up.  I do hope he was a believer in Jesus Christ.  It is difficult to imagine if he was not a believer.  I have had these thoughts more often lately.  I wonder if time has a bearing on anything in Heaven or Hell.  Will he have his part in the Lake of Fire?

It doesn't make any sense because I am to look at my own salvation with fear and with trembling.  There are times when I don't know if I am saved.  Lord, give me the assurance of my salvation.  There are times when I think I am lost.  I am not a person who wishes to feel or be that way.  Salvation seems to be a rather unstable thing.  Help me and give me the wisdom to live according to Your word.

I need help and I know this.

Thank You for giving me the opportunity to write this to You and to spend time with You everyday.  Help me to make the most of everyday while I am still on this planet.


Letters to God

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