Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for saving me.  I am healed and see and notice the evidence of such freedom.  However, I have been distracted.  I have a crush on a young pro wrestler who I have something not in comment with.  He is an avowed atheist.  Your word is dire for atheists and unrepentant atheists will have a dire end since they don't believe.  My prayer is that they so do believe, despite their views about You and about religion in general.  There are people who are or claim to be religious who have done horrible things.  I wish I could go back and change those things.  Christianity in particular is not an aberration to the world.  Christians should be a light to the world, not an aberration to the world.  I pray for his salvation as well as the fact that Your word says that I will be judged by You.  My judgment hopefully will be of the Judgment Seat of You and not the Great White Throne.  I wouldn't want my family, neighbors, friends, or strangers, many of who do not only claim to be religious, but who don't believe.  However,  how can I be a light and salt to the world when I am just as flawed as everyone else?

Thank You, Lord Jesus.  In Your name, Amen

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